A couple of weeks ago Tonster became ill. He came home from work and slept for like 24 hours straight. As we all know I am super loving, and a natural care giver (crossing my fingers hoping I don’t get struck by lightning at the computer right now) so I was on top of giving meds, soup, and occasional comedic relief. At one point I even woke him out of a sleep to tell him that I found out who would be the new boss on The Office. I mean- tell me I’m not a great wife!
I was unaware that this sickness would cramp my style and last through the weekend so Rafi and I wanted to “let Tony rest,” so we were out and about. Upon returning home I checked in on him and asked how he was feeling. He said he was a little better and according to THAT thermometer over there, he was running a very low fever.
I went over to look at THAT thermometer he was referring to, only to find out that it was my basal thermometer. For those of you who don’t know, this is a thermometer to help you track your body temperature for Natural Family Planning... or how we refer to it in my house- getting knocked up.
After laughing at him, well- pointing and laughing, I was so happy to find out I was not the only one in this house who really embarrassing things happen to. I was also relieved to find out he was no longer running a fever, or ovulating. Great news for everyone involved.