Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mooning Monday

Yesterday looked a little something like this...

11:30 AM- Friend and her son over for lunch
2:30 PM- Pick up my 5 year old pal Josh from prek and take him home
4:00 PM- Babies R Us (where I ran into my cousin I had not seen in months and a friend of his I had never met)
5:00 PM-back home to fix dinner and spend a little time with Tonster.

Tony came home around 6:00 and I just so happened to be transferring a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer. We were chatting about our day and I told him about all of the above items. He then very casually says "Hey Hun, did you realize that your pants are completely torn in the back and you can see right through them?"

Obviously I did not believe him. Yet again another joke he is pulling on me to try and make me feel like an idiot. 

But of course I go ahead and check it out myself- sure enough- ripped all the way down one side. My mind immediately went to the lunch I had where I was playing on the floor with Izzy and crawling around with Rafi... Then to strolling down the halls of the preschool to pick up Josh... Then bending over to grab items while shopping at Babies R Us.

I could feel my face turning bright red from embarrassment, and I finally turned around to look at Tony hoping he would say "I'm sure nobody even noticed."  Instead he had his Iphone out to take pictures of my reaction, then lovingly says  "Gosh- I bet you really tramatized some kids today."

I have included a picture of the jeans (once removed) that will now be burned up along with any dignity I once had. 

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