Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beware of Dora The Explorer

My Rafi Cat loves music & television, so naturally she is drawn to Dora The Explorer. I think it is a pretty good show as well because it helps teach me some Spanish words. And if you have read any of my other blogs, you know I need all the help I can get with this.

I decided instead of hoping Dora was on TV at any time of the day, I would just record an episode so I could play it whenever I needed it. So I just so happened to record the Christmas special. In this episode they sing a song about cleaning up. Each time it comes on Rafi starts clapping her hands and dancing to the song.

Since I know she likes this song, I sing it whenever she gets fussy. You know, in the car, at the grocery store, around the house- whenever.  The only thing is, I am not sure exactly  how to say the word clean up. So I just alternate between 2 words I think it might be.

After a couple weeks of singing this, Tony and I are going to bed one night and I say "Hey Hun, how do you say clean up in Spanish?" Is it REcoge or is it..." (I say the exact same word except I start it with an M) 

Suddenly, there is total silence. Since it is dark in the room I start to assume maybe he went to sleep in a matter of 2 seconds. Finally he says "uuhhhh, it is recoge. Why are you asking?" So I tell him "Well, Dora sings this song and I figured the word started with either an R or an M but I wasn't too sure. So I just keep alternating when I sing it to Rafi."

He then says "Do you have any idea what the other word means?!?" I assure him I do not. Until a minute ago I thought it could mean clean up!

He says "Jessica, that is a very vulgar word. It pretty much translates to the "F" word in spanish."

Not to feel like an idiot about the fact that I have been teaching my daughter profanity in spanish at the ripe old age of 7 months, I said "Well, Dora sure is playing it a little risky with that song! I don't know that Rafi will be allowed to watch her anymore!!"

This explains so much about the people looking at me in Walmart as I was singing the "Clean Up Song" trying to calm my unhappy child down....

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