Monday, July 9, 2012

Favorite Flea Market Finds

This weekend we traveled to Dallas to watch my husband graduate. We had so much fun celebrating, relaxing, swimming and my personal favorite- eating!

As the weekend came to an end, my sister in law said there was a HUGE flea market on our way back to Austin. We look up the place online and this is the homepage that we see:

We all think this place looks pretty good. White people chatting about prices, a carousel for the kids, may even get some yummy food and a good buy.

As we pull in, we realize this place had a lot more than we could have ever imagined. I wanted to share a few of the "special" items we found while browsing the place.

First, in case you have a 7 year old daughter that you like to take to the clubs with you, look no further- they have a dress for that very thing!

What's that? Your daughter has her club clothes, but you don't?!? No worries- this is class all the way:

Have you been looking for that special shirt to wear to the gym? Church? First Date? There are so many at this place to pick from. Lucky for you the prices are cheap so you can get one for every occasion.

Looking for a bra that is just your size? Clearly they know how to help you here:

And this one is my personal favorite. Gems like this don't come along in your every day mall. This is a pair of panties that has a zipper pocket in the front. I suppose there is a time that we all think "wow, I am starving and could really use a late night snack. I sure wish I had a pocket in these panties to stash some crackers in."
Needless to say- we had some good laughs while looking around, but I will say that the home page of their website is very misleading. It was a million degrees there, not one white person to be found (except me!) and we never even saw a carousel. Maybe they should use this picture of the back of my shirt as I was getting in the car to leave. This would be more accurate of how you will look while shopping at this place.

1 comment:

  1. pure awesomeness. :) hey you won! I nominated you for a Liebster Award! you should have fun with it:)
